Dog Tired.

Post date: 23-Apr-2010 14:06:36


Been so busy lately, what with having a house to run and a monkey to look after, it's a wonder that I get anything done at all. As they say, a dog's work is never done.

I have scared off all of the dangerous cat monsters and now I am keeping an eye again on the Glass Box dog. Sorry, TV dog. I have made the same mistake twice now. I have made the same mistake twice now. Then there is getting My Monkey out for exercise and picking up my pee-mail. My day is totally full. I really need some me time.

My Monkey went out and left me the other day for the whole day! Right up to and past the light going out of the sky before he came back. Here is me doing all these things, tasks, nah! Slave labour for him and he dares to come home late and feed me late. I am starting to think of getting him replaced, with some one or something better. You just can't find good help these days. Though, he does rub my tummy and scratch my back when I tell him to do it. He does amuse me so.

Tomorrow is the weekend so I suppose I can rest then..

Enjoy u's weekend and Smell Ya Later.

